(703) 457-6693 [email protected]
The Home For Runners

Case Study

Case Study formula running center

A Brand from Scratch

Formula Running Center (FRC) is a first-of-its-kind runner and endurance athlete focused facility combining performance enhancing training, high performance recovery, assessments and educational services all under one roof.

Arillic was hired to develop the entire marketing portfolio for the brand. Arillic began with research to develop the feasibility of the market and understand potential customers and stakeholders. From there, Arillic rolled all research into a marketing and advertising plan along with a full brand image (logo, color scheme, font kits, brand guide, and more). Arillic then executed on that marketing and advertising plan to have a successful launch with press, media rollout, and key partners; develop lead generating mechanisms like social media ads; creating Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) through automated emails and tools; and serving as the agency of record for the brand as it grew. Arillic has also helped stand-up a virtual class offering during COVID.

Support Areas

  • Research & Stakeholder Analysis
  • Marketing and Communication Planning
  • Branding and Graphic Design
  • Social Media
  • Advertising
  • Public Relations



Our team worked closely with ownership to design and create a brand and plan from scratch. This type of rollout has an extensive volume of work.

First of its Kind

Generating interest and willingness to buy a service with no prior proof of concept in market.


Pivoting to have an online service offering for a fitness facility during COVID.

A New, Small Business

Generating credibility with a new brand with no reputation.

Red Hot Market

Developing partnerships and organic business in highly competitive DC Metro Area fitness market.



Create a thorough understanding of market and audience values through surveying and focus groups.

A Marketing and Attack Plan

Laying out and standing up new offerings and positioning for online classes during pandemic.

A Standout Brand

Create a modern brand and guide to create recognizable visual elements.

Digital Infrastructure

Design, develop, and launch a new WordPress CMS website that is capable of being updated by the internal staff, integrating a payment portal, and incorporation a scheduling software.

Building Prestige

Through a strong content rollout, public relations campaign, and advertising, building a reputable and recognizable brand.

Growth Through Partnerships

Engaging key partners in the fitness community for growth.

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